It's been a long time... finished things, new ones. Inceputuri noi, oameni noi, sentimente noi. Si ar trebui sa fie bine , nu ? Mereu am zis-o si mereu am crezut-o. Optimista, huh ? ... well yeah, that's me. Or that's not me anymore ? ...
Ar trebui sa fie bine. Am stiut de la inceput, one good feelin` bout you. Opreai timpul, ma faceai sa rad, noi perspective... si m-ai invatat ca "sky is the limit", sau poate nici chiar el... And all of a sudden, I start to realize things. You tell me things. Do you remember that phrase "she still is", honey ? :) `Cuz it remained carved... where ? You tell me.
And I still don't fuckin` know what happens next...
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